Black students say white students are not allowed in the multicultural center
Black students say white students are not allowed in the multicultural center
Black students say white students are not allowed in the multicultural center
Kyra broke up with me Youtuber couple shares the news of their breakup, and it’s awkward. Vlogging couple announces their breakup on youtube and it’s… Read More »Youtube couple OkBaby break up
Drunk cop embarrasses self, racially profiled black man in diner. Is it racial profiling? I don’t care wether you are white dark or tanned.
Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyer keeps saying “logarithm” rather than “algorithm.”
Motorcycle crash Cringe Guy buys a top end sport bike and clearly has no idea how to drive it, ignoring the advice of the person… Read More »Guy buys a top end sport bike and crashes it on his first try
People need therapy Social distancing These Karen-type women are multiplying… Woman won’t let others shop on same aisle until she is done. I said back… Read More »Woman won’t let others shop on same aisle
Fake Instagram Reality We all know what you see on Instagram is not real.
Meta Propaganda Cringe Deb frmo our studios’ team is now joining me. Deb can you take us through some of teh exciting games in the… Read More »Awkward Zuckerberg conversation with game developer